CONTE HORUS The Trademark wants to transmit the importance of the Egyptian god Horus: son of Isis and Osiris, it symbolizes the balance of the natural world; it represented the lord of prophecy, music, art and beauty and it was identified as the eye of a hawk. Later it was recognized as a symbol of nobility, archetype of the pharaohs. The eye of Horus (eye of Ra) was a very powerful amulet for the ancient Egyptians; considered a symbol of luck, prosperity and good health. For this reason it was placed inside the bandages that enveloped the body of the deceased, as a symbol of regeneration. The eye of Horus is also present in the Buddhist image of the eye of the world, revealing the illuminated perspective of Buddha. It is a symbol with a deep esoteric meaning. The eye has always been one of the most powerful protective symbols of ancient Egypt. The eyes of the gods of the Horus hawks are the sun and the moon. The right eye is represented by the sun, and symbolizes the fut...