Based Atlas, also known by the original name of Ἄτλας, is a character from Greek mythology. The mythological narrative describes him as the son of Iapetus and Climene; others, however, believe that Atlas would be the son of Zeus and Climene. The Sons of Atlas are the Pleiades, the Hesperides, Calipso, Iante and the Hyades. The narration of the Atlas story is contained above all in the story of Hesiod, who says that the Atlas arrived forced by Zeus to hold on his shoulders all the weight of the terrestrial globe. This punishment was inflicted for allying himself with Zeus' father, Cronus, who led a great Zeus uprising. For this Atlas was punished by the head of all gods. From then on, the mythology faithfully takes up from the version of Atlas that supports the weight of the earth, so much so that in the first book of the Odyssey it is provided as the one who holds the sky.
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