
Visualizzazione dei post da ottobre, 2019


FC SPORT The Trademark wants to transmit an ideal of life, order and discipline: the design wants to represent a skyscraper, the result of a commitment to grow according to good rules and customs. Based on the famous phrase "Order is the pleasure of reason. But disorder is the delight of the imagination "composed in 1929 by the well-known French writer Paul Claudel (1868-1955), the brand wants to make an acute consideration of the order and disorder that surrounds our lives. Taking a concrete example, mothers usually advise children not to mess around, not to turn rooms upside down, to take care not to get dirty and so on. Children try to do the exact opposite while having fun. As adults things change and, to be mature, maybe you have to follow good rules and habits. In fact, it takes order, harmony, method and rigor in thinking, learning, working. But it also takes a pinch of freedom, creativity, disorder, even disarray to have a genuine life, a wider breath, a thri...