Dear Customer Aprilia, 12 july 2019 OBJECT: FCO LICENSE AGREEMENT Dear Sirs, We inform you about the opportunity to share with us a " Brand Extension ", a collaborative relationship aimed to sponsoring the Brand object of this communication, already widely distributed on the Web. Our Mission is to Transmit a brand-identity according to a canon of essential modernity in global markets: in particular FCO wants to identify and advertise the historical, moral and social values that have passed our time, linking them to brand that express these virtues and directing them to the most representative business. The presence on global markets, also thanks to the partnership with Spreadshirt (sprd.netAG, Gießerstraße 27 04229 Leipzig Germany) on the clothing line, gives us the opportunity to share our reality with many people: product quality, guarantee, customer service and after-sales service are our top priorities . This collaboration can be an effective al...